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2022-2023 Season Donors

Arts Grants ($5,000+)

Business Sponsors

Concerto ($2,500-$4,999)

HEB Logo.jpg
Diana Brooks Law - Logo

Sonata ($500-$999)


Friends of the Band

Presto ($1,000+)

The Brombacher Family - In memory of Bill, Alyce, & Scott
Tony Fugate - In memory of Linda Fugate

Vivace ($500-$999)

Anonymous - In memory of General Harvey McCarter
Bob & Emily Acker
Bob & Gaylene DeMunck
Daniel & Danielle McDonald
E.T. Boon, DDS
Ken & Susan Fulk

Allegro ($250-$499)

Dave & Martha Bahnman
Doug & Marilyn Tillett
Sandra Osborn
Terry & Michelle Sigle

Adagio ($100-$249)

Holly & Tommy Baril
Joe & Sue Groh
Keith & Tina Firgens
Martin & Karla Warborg
Mary Pierpont
Melody Wyatt - In memory of Jerry Wyatt
Steve & Mary Beran
William & Judith Shutt

Lento ($50-$99)

Jen & Chris McDonald
Joan McDermott
Russell & JoLinda D'Agostino
Sue Taszarek
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