About the Band
The Allen Community Band was established in 2013 as a non-profit, all volunteer organization.
The Concert Band provides musicians from the city of Allen and surrounding areas the opportunity to perform a variety of music, while growing their skills as individual musicians and as an ensemble. Membership is open to all adults who have experience playing in a band. We accept all instruments and skill levels. But on occasion, there are a limited amount of chairs and a waiting list will be formed. No auditions are required.
The Allen Community Jazz Band is composed of members from the ACB who also enjoy performing jazz music.

Join the Band
No Auditions Are Required
Membership is open to all adults who have experience playng in a band. We accept all instruments and skill levels. But on occasion, there are a limited amount of chairs and a waiting list will be formed.
Our bands rehearse every Tuesday night from mid-August to early June. Rehearsals are at the Lowery Freshman Center, 368 N. Greenville Ave., Allen, TX 75002. Please enter at door 5. We rehearse in the F105 ensemble room. Click here for a more detailed map.
After you complete our online registration form, you will be contacted by our director for further instructions.
ACB - The Concert Band
The Allen Community Band rehearses every Tuesday night from mid-August to early June. Concert Band rehearsals are 7PM-9PM in the ensemble room at Lowery Freshman Center, 368 N.Greenville Ave., Allen, TX 75002.
ACJB - The Jazz Band
The Jazz Band is composed of members from the Concert Band who also enjoy performing jazz music. The Jazz Band rehearses every Tuesday night following the concert band rehearsal, from 9PM-10PM in the ensemble room at Lowery Freshman Center, 368 N. Greenville. Allen, TX 75002.
Currently the Jazz Band is not accepting new members. If you are interested in playing in the Jazz Band, please contact us for information.
Meet The Directors

ACB Board Members
Board of Directors:
Craig Logan, Director
Kevin Purcell, President
Mark Newcome, 1st VP Membership
Taylor Enslen, 2nd VP Ways and Means
TBD, 3rd VP Logistics
Martha Bahnman, 4th VP Communications
Susanne Reynolds, Secretary
Jeannine Boss, Treasurer
Kristin Groves, Librarian
Mark Newcome, Jazz Librarian
Megan Krouse, Social Media
Mika Graham, Webmaster